Tuesday 21 June 2016

Savio and Dreamflight


So you can probably tell by the title, this blogpost is about my week instead of some hard-hitting disability information. I've done a lot this week to be honest and I'm extremely excited about one thing, but more on that later!

Both Monday and Tuesday were pretty ordinary: 6:45 am wake up for school, trying to drink 2 litres plus of water (drunk about 4 each day), going to school on 5 hours sleep due to a mix anticipation of the fore coming days and well how can I put this, social media! Also I had to finish packing. Anyhow I don't have much to say about those 2 days apart from they were pretty much normal and okay!

Then came Wednesday, the first day of retreat. Again I only had roughly 6 hours sleep for the same reasons (damn it snapchat!) I arrived at school like normal on the council transport bus, but instead of a school bag in my chair, a suitcase and I headed up to the PE department to drop off my stuff and sign in. Pretty straight forward. Then it was time to get on the coach AKA the part when all the unflattering Snapchat stories commenced (E, I'm talking to YOU!) and we drove for goodness knows how long until we arrived at Savio. For the rest of the day it was mainly settling in and stuff like that.

Thursday is when all the main religious stuff took place. ( I go to a catholic school, what do you expect) a reconciliation service and one of the most comical Masses I've experienced, isn't hard to claim that title haha, happened. It was just funny, I can't really explain why. Later that night it was the disco and I can honestly say I've never seen so many people trying to the Macarena in such close proximity to each other. The whole thing was hilarious especially getting teachers to dab.

Friday came round soon enough, by this point I was shattered, completely and utterly shattered. The majority of the day was spent doing affirmation, basically writing nice stuff about other people. We had our lunch of fish fingers, then we packed the coach and climbed aboard for our trip home. Surprisingly leaving Savio was more emotional than I first anticipated. It felt weird, like I wasn't ready to go back to school. Anyway we arrived back about 3.15 and it was starting to rain. Classic British weather. With the help of one of my teachers, I got all by stuff into my mums van and we drove home.

Whilst driving, Mum said something along the lines of "I've got something really exciting to show you when You get home, and I need to film it." This really started puzzle me and a load of irrational ideas popped in my head. She said it with a wicked smile on her face, so I knew it would be something I was going to be excited about.
We got home, by then I was fully shaking with anticipation. I sat in the kitchen at the table; my mum brought through a a4 envelope and started filming. I opened said envelope which had a letter in it, at the top of the letter it said in big bold letters 'your child has been chosen to go to Orlando, Florida with dreamflight Oct 2016' not going to lie I screamed.

Apparently when we first met my neurologist, I was 1, the head nurse Jane, mentioned to my mum this charity, dreamflight, which takes disabled children aged 8-14 to all the major Orlando theme parks and said I may go with them one day. For the last few years Jane kept on saying I wasn't ready until my last appointment late last year. And my neurologist has been doing the nomination form behind my back. In fact my mum found out that I got a place around a month ago! And all my carers knew. And everyone kept it a secret, which knowing some of my carers, must have been really hard!

So I'm going to go to Orlando! Ekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I'm so so grateful and super excited. It's like 115 days away (not like I'm constantly counting down or anything- honest!)


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