Wednesday, 11 May 2016

guest post..............

Before I show you this post, I just want to say a huge thank you to the person who wrote it, you know I've been feeling rubbish recently and this made me so much happier, I cried and I never get that emotional over stuff like this:

So here it is ladies and gents,

Hello there! 
I’m some stranger that you readers aren’t used to…and I feel honoured to post a lovely, cheesy rant on the CP Blog! So, lets say I’m called ‘E’. HI then! I’m ‘E’ and I feel like me and Ruthie have been friends for most of my life, and that we’ve known each other for ages (because of how well we get on!). When really, we’ve only known each other for a few years.

It all started in a science lesson, when I was seated next to Ruthless. Firstly, she came across as a very friendly, brainy person, with her infinite tallness…AND-Since I would always have trouble crawling through science, Ruthie would be by my side, helping me out with explanatory speeches of what I’m stuck on, and often a ‘Copy my answers, then!’ tactic. Soon our friendship was already beginning to make an appearance! She had me laughing with her random outbursts of One Direction songs (Even though she swears she doesn’t like them!). Also, the CP Blogger totally blew me away with her knowledge! SHE’S SO CLEVER. I don’t care what you say, Ruthie! You are and you know it! Moving on, every Science lesson, I could feel our relationship getting thicker, stronger, between us. Like a magnetic pull - accept we weren’t THAT forcefully attracted to each other! *well I think I messed that simile up…*

Moving on, Ruthie is a brillant friend. She’s so independent, glowing with inspiration, and I’ve just gotta love her to bits no matter what! Since, our friendship is a long, firm chain. More links are added the more personal, deep secrets we blurt to each other, and the inside jokes that never get old. This ‘chain’ does have it’s rusty sections, but it has it’s stronger parts, too. 

Every time I see Ruthie, she has a wide grin plastered across her face, which is usually followed with a series of looks exchanged between our locked eye contact (Those looks carry so much inside jokes, and inappropriate laughter at things that only us will ever know about…hehe!) 

ANYWAY-finally! I’ve pretty much done now. Sorry to bore you all with my long, more personal rant. As you can see, mine and Ruthie’s friendship has A LOT to say! What about the fact : we already know way too much about each other that we’re stuck as friends for eternity? Or : we’re both so weird but we still choose to be seen with each other? ETC. So, thank you for coming on this long-winded journey through many words, and mainly for getting to the end of this post! 
Good bye! X

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