Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Wheelchair observations


So you won't be aware but I've sprained my ankle last week and the doctor has said 'Don't be a hero' and 'Use your wheelchair when in pain' now neither of those are very natural to me anymore and today I'm going to be focusing on the wheelchair side of things from my perspective. Here's a list of funny/awkward things that I've noticed happen when I'm in the chair.

1. Higher voices.
Whenever I'm in my chair it seems that people's vocal range changes, as soon as I am sat down their voices go an octave higher. I probably just being paranoid but I see it all the time.

2. Rookie drivers
I'm always surrounded with really helpful people, which I'm really thankful for by the way, but it seems like as soon as they get hold of the handles- it's like formula one. I'm either going 1000 miles per hour or I'm going to end up getting flipped out of my chair. And you know who the worst are at doing this? Teachers 100 percent (but that's a whole different blogpost)

3. Crowds
The most annoying thing ever! Why, you ask? Think very carefully, where is my head in comparison to a relativity tall person...... Yeah..... That gives another meaning to the word butt-head

4. Lifts
Yes, I get that there are lifts in most buildings but trying to get to them is the hard part. With my luck (note I sprained my ankle the day before my birthday) I'm in a class room that is across the entire school from a lift and I have to push myself all the way there or the lift directly next to the classroom is out of order; even worse I'll get stuck in a lift at school, like last year, again another story.

5. Conversations
Now I'm a tall person, 5ft 9 with boots, so I understand this from both sides. So whenever I'm talking to someone who is walking and is fully standing, especially when it's busy, it just seems like a eternity of 'what?! say that again' or 'pardon' (depending on who I'm with!) I am not the sort of person to repeat over and over again and that's why I'm an antisocial semi-wheelchair using teenager - I give up!

6. The 'you can actually walk face'
OMG, call the press I'm a wheelchair user that, you may want to sit down for this- it's shocking, CAN walk! (Such the con-artist!) WOW can you believe some people use chairs for other reasons than they can't physically walk? The funny thing about this is I normally stand up mid push and looking around there's at least one person who hasn't scraped their jaw off the floor. Must be a miracle, huh?!

Most of these are just jokey, don't take it that seriously and for people who know me, these aren't meant to be aimed towards anyone- just some generalisations.


1 comment:

  1. I love your sense of humour Ruthie! Whenever I see you, you always make me smile, even if I don't feel like smiling :)
    Keep up the good work,
    I'll always follow your blog, even when I've left All Saints!
