Wednesday, 27 April 2016

PSA: wheelchair users...........

This is going to only short PSA (public service announcement) but it's very important too realise and I've mentioned it in previous post but I feel on behalf of the disabled community, I need to re-empathise this.

Wheelchairs are uses for ambiguous reason aside from paralysis, it could be very painful for that person to walk, it could be due to over tiredness, not have the strength to walk, hyperflexibility, shortness of breath/low lung capacity, fragility of the muscle, joints or skin.

People stop harassing wheelchair users when they stand up and walk with out the aid of the chair in public! They're not trying to get attention, they're not even trying to impress you- they are purely trying to do their day to day business, likewise to you, and it is not your place to determine whether or not that person needs an mobility aid, such as a wheelchair. 

You aren't a doctor- and trust me, they know their needs a hella lot better than you will.

The semi-wheelchair user community
PSA/Rant concluded- you are free to go!


Friday, 22 April 2016

25 facts about me.......


So I've hit 10k views on my blog and to celebrate I've decided to do a 25 facts about me post as there is a lot of new readers on here so what a better time for you lot to get to know me?
I just want to thank all of you for reading these weird trails of thoughts and lets hope there will be many to come!

25 facts about moi

1. Zodiac sign?
I'm an Aries and I feel I fit my traits extremely accurately
2. 3 fears?
I'm claustrophobic, scared of confrontation in some way and I'm scared of being lonely
3. 3 things I love?
My friends and family, studying (not necessarily school) and blogging 
4. My best friend?
Well I have around four close friends and they all read my blog- I ain't doing favouritism
5. The last song I listened to?
Either 'Daddy' by Emeli Sandé or 'uninspired' by Lucy Spraggan
6. The reason I started to blog?
To make people aware of ableism from the perspective of a teenager with a physical disability 'cause sometimes hearing it from an able-bodied so called disablity expert don't cut it!
7. How I feel right now? 
Alright I guess 
8. Something I really want? 
FOOD or MONEY just kidding I don't really know
9. Current relationship status?
Single and I don't really want to change that at the moment 
10. My favourite movie?
Probably the divergent series
11. My favourite songs?
Basically anything by Lucy Spraggan 
12. My favourite artist?
Lucy Spraggan (how could you guess!)
13. 3 things that upset me?
When people are treated unfairly, when people use ableist slurs without understanding how harmful they can be to people and when people patronise me.
14. 3 things that make me happy?
Friends and family, some aspects of school (yes, yes I'm the geek and teachers pet, can't help it!) and blogging my opinions  I guess
15. Some one I miss?
A friend with the nickname Ralph 
16. 3 things that annoy me?
Any form of ableist language coming from my friends, patronising people, when people assume stuff about me
17. One thing I've lied about?
I don't lie but like maybe about my age
18. Something that's constantly on my mind?
School work or someone (not telling who)
19. My future goals?
To stick at blogging and advocacy and to educate my generation about ableism 
20. Do I want tattoos?
Yeah/maybe they have to mean something that's permanent for me to get one, so probably it will be something disability related 
21. Something I believe in? 
Equality: no matter what race, sexuality or difference 
22. Favourite quote?
'No amount of smiling at a flight of stairs has ever made it turn into a ramp'- Stella Young
23.First thing I notice in a person?
If they are trustworthy or not
24. Favourite subject?
RE or English 
25. Random 
I can't really properly lie to people I know who have brown hair and blue eyes face to face for some reason

So that's my 25 facts and another Huge thanks for 10,000 views I mean I'm not that interesting, surely?


Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Wheelchair observations


So you won't be aware but I've sprained my ankle last week and the doctor has said 'Don't be a hero' and 'Use your wheelchair when in pain' now neither of those are very natural to me anymore and today I'm going to be focusing on the wheelchair side of things from my perspective. Here's a list of funny/awkward things that I've noticed happen when I'm in the chair.

1. Higher voices.
Whenever I'm in my chair it seems that people's vocal range changes, as soon as I am sat down their voices go an octave higher. I probably just being paranoid but I see it all the time.

2. Rookie drivers
I'm always surrounded with really helpful people, which I'm really thankful for by the way, but it seems like as soon as they get hold of the handles- it's like formula one. I'm either going 1000 miles per hour or I'm going to end up getting flipped out of my chair. And you know who the worst are at doing this? Teachers 100 percent (but that's a whole different blogpost)

3. Crowds
The most annoying thing ever! Why, you ask? Think very carefully, where is my head in comparison to a relativity tall person...... Yeah..... That gives another meaning to the word butt-head

4. Lifts
Yes, I get that there are lifts in most buildings but trying to get to them is the hard part. With my luck (note I sprained my ankle the day before my birthday) I'm in a class room that is across the entire school from a lift and I have to push myself all the way there or the lift directly next to the classroom is out of order; even worse I'll get stuck in a lift at school, like last year, again another story.

5. Conversations
Now I'm a tall person, 5ft 9 with boots, so I understand this from both sides. So whenever I'm talking to someone who is walking and is fully standing, especially when it's busy, it just seems like a eternity of 'what?! say that again' or 'pardon' (depending on who I'm with!) I am not the sort of person to repeat over and over again and that's why I'm an antisocial semi-wheelchair using teenager - I give up!

6. The 'you can actually walk face'
OMG, call the press I'm a wheelchair user that, you may want to sit down for this- it's shocking, CAN walk! (Such the con-artist!) WOW can you believe some people use chairs for other reasons than they can't physically walk? The funny thing about this is I normally stand up mid push and looking around there's at least one person who hasn't scraped their jaw off the floor. Must be a miracle, huh?!

Most of these are just jokey, don't take it that seriously and for people who know me, these aren't meant to be aimed towards anyone- just some generalisations.


Wednesday, 6 April 2016

A poem: them


So something  you may not know about me is that I like to write poems. I don't know why but I just do, and they are probably all really bad and cringey. They are mostly just random and I just write, likewise with blogging, and basically see what happens to be honest. 

This Poem is quite deep and it is basically my view on the UK government and what they are doing within the disabled community, although it doesn't really portray that very well.

So here is my attempt of a poem:

By the CP blogger/Ruthie Hayward

They label me,
categorically organise me,
They place me in the suffocating box afar from my reality,
They are afraid of my definition chains,
of my difference from the norm in our corrupt society,

Their propaganda says we aren't pure and idealistic perfection,
So we are to blame for their criminal inflictions,
That we brought it on ourselves,

The knife of their cuts, their first weapon of choice,
Some are stranded- without a voice,
Alone and abandoned by our leaders,
A running man without sneakers,

How on earth did they get power,
And when so many are suffering in the darkest hours,
The hardships my community face,
Well, we can't keep up with your sick game of chase,

They will continue to label me,
To categorically organise me,
They will carry on to place me in the suffocating box afar from my reality,
They still are afraid of my definition chains,
Of my differences,
Of what makes me me,
The D word,

And you have no idea,
Because of them,
You have no idea.

I hope you like it,


Friday, 1 April 2016

Pathetic sob stories


This is a weird blog post for me to write because it could be perceived as me B**ching (woo I swore sorry) about the disabled community, it's not. My blog, my opinion- just saying.

You know what I absolutely hate? When parents/guardians of PWDs use their children's disabilities as a sob story. Okay, I understand that finding out and diagnostic tests can be traumatic experiences and I totally get that medical terminology is like an alien language; what I don't get is when parents take it a bit too far and use it to draw sympathy and attention to themselves and make it out like they live such a hard life all because their child has a disability.

So before you even consider having a child, you should be ready to handle a disabled child, twins, or a child who has a different sexuality to you. 'Cause if you're not ready to 'cope' with a child who isn't straight/cis or able bodied/ Neurotypical, they are going to be, in one form or another, abused for many years to come.

And even if you get the 'dream' baby you may have a feminine boy or a masculine girl, you need to be able to let them be who they are not how you imagined them to be- they aren't your property.

I am so fed up with and tired of parental sob stories about how 'hard' it is to 'raise' who is different from the perfect or norm.

You know what's harder then those pathetic sob stories? The child knowing that they have almost let down their parents for existing in a way their parents didn't ask for and worse living knowing that they weren't what their parents were planning or expecting. And for so many people this is the reality however unrealistic it may seem.

Let's let that sink in
