Okay then, so I've been meaning to post something about this for a while now and I've finally found some motivation from somewhere so I might get on with it.
As a PWD, it makes me deeply uncomfortable how quick we rattle off our personal accomplishments for the sake of impressing our able bodied or disabled peers. Why do we, in the 21st, supposed 'equality' fuelled era, anticipate that an achievement such as 'I went to the shops without a carer' won't be treated seriously and congratulated,as it's something society expects everyone to be able to do.
It's perfectly fine to be proud of your achievements or milestones, but you shouldn't have to prove how "non-disabled" you are to gain social legitimacy or praise.
And as for the disabled community, Distancing yourself from negative,uncomfortable or socially-unaccepted disability clichés belittles many PWD who don't have the level support or don't have the ability/stamina to accomplish what you may of done. It's just as important to acknowledge that disabled people that are home bound or live in poorer nations are just as valid as the ones who travel the world with countless degrees.
So in short I'm saying that disabled legitimacy shouldn't be Dependent upon conforming with ableist expectations on life experience and productivity.
I completely agree with this!