I've been quiet the last few weeks,so sorry for that! I didn't know when to post this so how about right now?
On Tuesday, I met up with 2 lecturers of social work from the university of Sheffield to talk about my blog and the prospect of working with them with the living library project they are working on. But more on that at a later date.
I was also asked to give feedback on the first year MA students presentations. So after lunch, I had a salad (I know! I'm amazed I stuck to my resolution too!), me,my mum and one of the the lecturers went to another block where the presentations were being presented and recorded; it was documented so the students can assess it for something. Anyway it was really cool.
The students were given the topic 'a day in my life', they had to make a poster about it, then present and explain it to social service users, in this case me! And we gave 5 minutes of feedback. Your probably wondering why on earth would this be part of the course but I guess it gives the students an idea of how they need to be like, in terms of explaining etc.
For me it was really interesting. This could be because of 2 reasons- I am a extremely nosey person, no joke or maybe it was because, mostly, they all seemed 'social-worker-y' like I could imagine them all as social workers, weird as that is. The thing that made me laugh was how nervous they were, one student literally spoke like she was Eminem rapping, I mean I get why she did that but calm down- we aren't that intense,are we? The two that I remember most are the first guy we saw and the last one, this is mainly because they were so 'relaxed' they sang. relaxed is in inverted comas because there was a tiny bit of pressure involved- Before you think we are horrible humans,in our defence they both put on their posters that they went to karaoke on the day they modelled it on so it sort of was compulsory.
So that's what I've been up to. School on Monday ugghhhh!
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