Sunday, 6 December 2015

patronising people


Right. This really annoys me; not a lot actually makes me want to scream at people but this does. People who know me well,will know this already, when it comes to patronising someone, I get angry with a deep passion.

If I asked you 'who do you think patronises people the most?' You may say bullies or ignorant so or so's but what if I said it was (some) teachers? I know it sounds weird but from what I've experienced teachers can be the worst patronisers or they can be really understanding and nice- there's no in between.

For example my old Y6 teacher was really patronising and I know she didn't mean to be but it always made me feel like, I don't know what else to describe it, but weird and sort of cold. She would always say something like 'you're an inspiration.' For doing something ordinary- she wouldn't say that too my class mates when they were doing exactly the same thing. The worst thing is I didn't realise what it was until the day I left that school,by then it was to late for me to say something. So I didn't. 

Since then, things have changed a bit. Most of the teachers at my secondary school know the way I am and sort of leave me to get on with the ordinary work and they know if I need help, I will just ask! But there's still a minority of them that treat me like I'm four. Normally it's the teacher who is a supply/student or a teacher who hasn't taught me/hasn't read my blog before. 

I'm not blaming anyone but in today's society we are subconsciously judging people's mental capacity on their looks. So for me, having right-sided hemiplegic cerebral palsy, the first judgements aren't that good. I love proving people wrong. So if a teacher was to be patronising I would do my absolute best work and show them, honestly some reactions are priceless, they can't believe that a SEN kid can do level 7 work. But I prove them wrong every time. 

I do wish that some teachers would try to have an open mind but I can't change their opinions, which sucked at first; not everyone can change I've expected that now.

I could go on about different patronising people but this was the most dominant one that sprung to mind.


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