Saturday, 1 August 2015

Yikes or Yay...........

Hi, (Yes my friends I'm changing my intro,sorry!)

Firstly, yes I know I haven't been online for 2 weeks. I have just finished my first year at secondary school and I wanted a little bit of time off from writing and enjoying spending time with my family. But I'm back now so yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

This is more of life update then a disability blog because on Monday I am having a minor operation (so don't worry) on my right leg and arm (that's the side which my cp affects) and I think you guys should know.

So whats happening on Monday?

Basically they are going to put me under general anaesthetic and put Botox in my calf muscle which is tense,because of this my right foot is turning outwards and that's impacting the way I walk. As for my arm/hand, they are putting it in my tricep to relax my arm and I'm not to sure where they are putting the Botox in my hand but the end result will make the muscles less tense. this operation will also determine what operation/s I might need in the future. 

So thats what happening in the next few days for me - wish me good luck  
