Friday, 12 June 2015

Friendships VS Disability


So this post is going to be about how some people, especially Children,with disabilities find it extremely hard to make friends. I'm so lucky at my secondary school I made friends very quickly and I know that many SEN kids aren't so lucky. When I young, My school used to have meetings about Me with my Mum. My Teachers always said that i had lots of friends blah blah blah, but my Mum didn't believe them so She decided to do a bit of investigating herself (see Mum is quite sneaky like that, I think she'd be a great spy LOL just picture it.). Anyway,what she did was she parked in her car near my school,but not where I could see, and she saw that I was playing with a hoop on my own. This is probably because my class didn't understand disability like they do now but it took me a very long time to make friends and I'm So glad I did. For me, please if you see a Disabled person young or old,go and talk too them, they probably have some good stories too!

That's it 