One thing nobody really teaches you is how politicised having a disability is. The state metaphorical tossing you aside and saying your a waste of resources. Especially now, your whole being in society, government wise, determined to whether you can work. If you can, you're not disabled 'enough' and get practically nothing. If you can't, you're lazy and deserve the bare minimum.
Accessibility is seen as a burden and us becoming too demanding, as the greedy they claim us to be. We turn invisible, subhuman ; the others. We are portrayed by them as burdens to society for simply wanting to exist in the world as any other person does.
Weekly survival is one thing that is in constant jeopardy. From losing jobs due to sick days, to rising costs of adaptations and accommodations (and cuts to services that provide them). The threat of your support from the state disappearing because of austerity, most likely, that they caused and are failing to stop - the list goes on.
Most right to die advocates passionately fighting for euthanasia to be legalised, instead of fighting for equal rights for PWDs. Doesn't sound right in my opinion. Not fighting for accommodations. Not fighting for accessibility. Not fighting against cuts which put PWDs in these dire conditions that they think this is the way out. Instead fighting for our right to die, and not improving the situations we have been put in today.
Think about it, disability and politics go hand in hand. Scary right??